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Season 3 Ep 6: Brevard, Bluegrass, and Brown Trout

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Frontman for the Steep Canyon Rangers, Woody Platt, takes us back to the band's beginning, discusses the magic of Steve Martin, and why he still calls Brevard, North Carolina, home.

In eighteen years, the Steep Canyon Rangers have gone from playing underground bars in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to selling out Carnegie Hall. Guitarist, singer, and frontman Woody Platt, who founded the bluegrass band along with college friend and Rangers banjo player Graham Sharp, sits down with us to discuss the band's evolution and an unexpected partnership with comedian (and banjonist) Steve Martin.

In this episode, Platt, an avid fly fisherman, also takes us back to his home in Brevard, North Carolina, and explains how the town's natural setting and musical traditions have impacted his life.


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